Presented by Sadhana and Keval Pezet - Founders Shantarasa Yoga Darshana

Commencing 19th September 2023

Knowledge of the subtle layers of our being offers the foundation for both understanding and receiving the deeper benefits of the subtle practices of the Yogic Path


How does Yoga view the body? As a multi layered experiential space sustained by vital energy

In this fascinating course of study we explore the totally unique view of human experience and embodiment as taught in the yogic tradition.

In our image-based externally oriented societies the human form is objectified and little understood . We can come to know what animates our form, how to generate a powerful union between the ever more subtle layers of our existence and thereby generate the potential for our light body to become more potent and accessible.

With the knowledge of the subtle bodies and layers of existence we can better comprehend the meaning and intention of all yogic practices from the physical to the more inwardly refined practices which require access to our subtler dimensions.

This unique course offering is delivered as four units of study which can be studied individually or in its entirety.

Course 1 | Subtle Bodies Map + Practices

Knowledge of the Subtle Layers of Being – nadis, chakras, access points, 4 sharira (bodies), prana vayus

  • How to work with, cleanse, awaken and potentize.

  • The study of Mantra Purusha, the mantras to purify and awaken the subtle seats within the human form

  • The study of yantra as applied to the subtle body

  • A view of the transformation of the subtle form

  • Shaktipat and Kundalini – safe awakening of spiritual potency

Course 2 | Breath and Pranayama

Knowledge of breath as a vehicle for powerful purification, revitalization and transformation. Subtle breath gives us access beneath the external levels of our experience

  • Developing a relationship with Prana (subtle life force) through breathing practices and pranayama

  • The study and practice of various pranayamas

  • The relationship of the practice of pranayama with the cleansing of the psyche

  • Mind and Prana relationship

Course 3 | Yoga Nidra

Yogic sleep is the sleep of the awakened conscious being. Consciousness abides even as the mind recedes. To become conscious at this level lifts us out of the domains of the tendencies that generate pain and suffering. To gain skill in the practice of the sleep that throws of the burdens an understanding of the subtle layers of being is essential

  • Learn the origins of the practice.

  • Its purpose and subtle qualities and benefits

  • Learn the various forms of entry into conscious deep sleep


Course 4 | Meditation and Mantra

Subtle light and vibration are the pure emanations from our core being

The physical vehicle is prepared to sustain such luminosity

Clear unperturbed mind can access our higher aspects of Self , it is first purified and returned to its peaceful nature and radiance

Meditation and mantric training alter the mind and remove the seeds of deeply held impressions

The evolved yogic body exhibits expanded prana and mediation awakens this subtle expression of purity

Meditation as practice and state will establish awareness of our innate wholeness, and limitless peaceful essential nature

Through meditation the subtle bodies are purified and awakened to their fullest potency


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Full Course Registration

Subtle Yoga

Full program $1200 (save $200)

Study can also be taken as single study units

Each Unit $350/400. Register below for individual components
